Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From Blog to Book

Attention, all my loyal blog fans...I have recently completed writing my first book! For Christmas I asked my family for the gift of 2 weeks of isolation. My amazing wife, Ginger came through with a 12 day seclusion at a nearby lake side cabin.

I could not have finished this book without that gift! I have been working on this project for the better part of 3 years. For the past year I have been agonizingly close to being done, but massively stuck at a couple of key points. Sitting in a recliner, the winter sun burning in my face, looking out over a frozen lake with the temperatures no higher than zero most days was just the ticket I needed to complete this book.

The title, right now, is "Radiance; The Transcendent Nature of the Kingdom of God". It is a call to be radiant with God's Flames from another world. To set this world on fire with the radiance of the Transcendent Supremacy of the Kingdom of God.

Five people are proof reading, even as I type these words. I hope to have a final manuscript to the publisher by early March. Please pray. I have a prophetic word from Alice Sharping that says, "You will be amazed at how easily your book is published. It will be a supernatural work. It is much bigger than you think..."

Thank you for your patience in my absence from the blog. I have heard, loud and clear, from some of you that you miss's nice to know.

Stay tuned; I will update you when there is news to tell....