I woke up this morning with a rolling thought process that cycled repeatedly and wonderfully. Without my full permission (though I must admit I’ve pondered the edges of these musings for many days) my mind was carrying on a conversation about the vitality and animation of a beautiful human spirit. A spirituality without dilution or distraction.
First, I want to say that such a condition is entirely possible although rarely sustained. We all attend concerts, worship settings, conferences, camps, and retreats and come away with a euphoric “mountain top” delight we are determined to retain yet internally acknowledging it will likely wane with time. We certainly don’t want it to fade, and we often make bold declarations such as, “I am not losing this experience this time!”. But alas, more often that not, it grows into a distant joyous memory.
But I still believe in, “the vitality and animation of a beautiful human spirit. A spirituality without dilution or distraction.” My early morning sleepy musings gave me a mural of ideas from pictures of my own life along with what I observe routinely in others. Here’s a sampling of that mural;
*I took my spiritual energy to debates about political issues
and I could see my
spirit being spent without any real value internally or
externally. It seemed,
however, that I was convinced of a non-existent value
because I placed such a
false high spiritual value on these debates.
*I took my spiritual energy to places of personal anxiety
almost as if to solve my
anxious challenges but knowing when I got there that
nothing would change.
*I watched as people around me were equally convincing
themselves of a spiritual value in practices when no such
value existed. We were all hoping for and working for that
value but no spirit enhancing value was to be found.
and I could see my
spirit being spent without any real value internally or
externally. It seemed,
however, that I was convinced of a non-existent value
because I placed such a
false high spiritual value on these debates.
*I took my spiritual energy to places of personal anxiety
almost as if to solve my
anxious challenges but knowing when I got there that
nothing would change.
*I watched as people around me were equally convincing
themselves of a spiritual value in practices when no such
value existed. We were all hoping for and working for that
value but no spirit enhancing value was to be found.
With those moments in mind as a back-drop, the scenes shifted to more positive pictures. The summary of these positives had to do with many of the matters I just listed, but in contrast there was shift of focus;
*My mind decided to direct love toward all the opposition.
*My meditation barricaded me from leaping into quarrels.
*My joy pushed back against angry gossip, strife, and
mob rule.
*My love reached for heavenly wisdom.
*My hope decided to issue a warrant on the atmosphere.
*My unbroken stream of prayer gave me bridges over chasms.
*My meditation barricaded me from leaping into quarrels.
*My joy pushed back against angry gossip, strife, and
mob rule.
*My love reached for heavenly wisdom.
*My hope decided to issue a warrant on the atmosphere.
*My unbroken stream of prayer gave me bridges over chasms.
In the first list of challenges I could literally feel my spirit drained. In the second list the Holy Spirit was engaged in giving me a more wholly spirit. In the first, I felt motivated by an indignant sense of right and wrong. In the second I was drawn along by an instinctive leading to guard my heart for the right moment to be enlisted for the right cause in the right spirit.
I’ll say it again, I believe in “the vitality and animation of a beautiful human spirit. A spirituality without dilution or distraction.” I have had the pleasure of connections to people of this marvelous quality. Just breathing air in the same room with them is a distinct pleasure. Imagine if and when a growing company of us are of this “wholly spirit” passion.
Many years ago I found this quote by Gil Bailie; “Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go and do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I’m convinced that every struggle of our nation and humanity is solved when a significant number of us refuse the bait of leaping into the baseline, common, and even vulgar debates of our times and instead we continue to fill our spirit with the Holy Spirit. Then, and only then will we pursue my second inventory;
*My mind decided to direct love toward all the opposition.
*My meditation barricaded me from leaping into quarrels.
*My joy pushed back against angry gossip, strife, and mob
*My love reached for heavenly wisdom.
*My hope decided to issue a warrant on the atmosphere.
*My unbroken stream of prayer gave me bridges over chasms.
*My meditation barricaded me from leaping into quarrels.
*My joy pushed back against angry gossip, strife, and mob
*My love reached for heavenly wisdom.
*My hope decided to issue a warrant on the atmosphere.
*My unbroken stream of prayer gave me bridges over chasms.
This is most certainly who Jesus Christ was and is. This is most certainly what I will live and I will lead those who follow me to this lush meadow with quiet pools to drink from (Psalm 23 The Message).
Come Holy Spirit, for the purpose of making us all, wholly spirit.