Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Not About "Them"...

It's not about them, it's about us. It's not about the "world", it's about the church. "They" aren't the problem, we are. If we shine, they will see. If we are salt, they will taste AND see. We must get off the world's back, get on our knees and repent.

What if we loved "them" the way God loves "us"? What if an epedemic of forgiveness swept through the people of God, so widespread, so contagious, so prolific, and so virulent that no sin, no wrong done, no past issue, NOTHING mattered more than being a river of God with trees growing on our banks that produced leaves that healed entire nations?

It's not about their sin, it's about our ignorance.

I'm not the least bit concerned about a documentary claiming to disprove the resurrection of Christ. That's the nature of unbelief. I'm far more concerned about Christians whose living shows no evidence of resurrected life. The uninformed may be convinced by this documentary, not because it is compelling, but because we have not been compelling.

It's not about "them".


Anonymous said...

Amen Pastor,
Because I know you, these are not just empty, idealogical words. You practice what you preach. Your words define your existence. Your lack of pointing your finger at my quite obvious to me sin, is exactly the attraction that led me to the resurrection Life I now partake of. Thank you. You've inspired me to forgive again today. I was leaning towards exposing and condemning, but I'll stick with GRACE! If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Your Son

Anonymous said...

Ditto that p.s
You also take after your dad PRD and that's exactly why I'm stickin with you guys. I'm on my way from the congoes to the Drums...sorry Bethany it has nothing to do with really is all about me!!
Oceans of love
Talluleh Joy